Thursday, March 17, 2011

Also Thinking...

...does this song ACTUALLY EXIST?
Ok I guess I can believe that its existence is valid.  The real question is, Why Is This Song A Hit?  Her voice sounds like she's been suffering a head cold for a number of weeks and her friends have braces! BRACES! B-R-A-C-E-S! I'm also almost positive the kid driving the car is nowhere near old enough to cross the street alone.

Here's some catchy lyrics for ya: "Yesterday was Thursday, Thursday. Today i-it is Friday, Friday. We we we so excited. We gonna have a ball today.  Tomorrow is Saturday and Sunday comes afterwooooord."  Yes she did add two syllables to the word "it."  I guess this song would be mildly helpful to a child learning the days of the second half of the week but even then the confusion of days re-occurring simultaneously is a threat.

She also looks like those twins from Seventh Heaven taught her how to act, and also like her choreographer basically said "move your hips, touch your hair, sway and you'll be fiiiiiine."

I know this is all harsh but the reality is if people keep reminding her of these things we all may luck out and she'll go to college instead of pursuing the final downfall of Lindsay Lohan and Miley Cyrus.

Fingers crossed.


...writing a blog in an effort to be more like Heather Armstrong might be a good idea.